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Características principais

Stronghold Games
Nome do jogo de tabuleiro
Space Sheep


  • Tipo de jogo: Estratégia

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 10 anos

  • Quantidade mínima de jogadores - Quantidade máxima de jogadores: 1 - 8



Ewe's the Force

You are a Sheep.

You are a defender in the Strategic Sheep Command.

You will issue Tactics to the Shepherd Fleet to direct the Rescue Mission of the SpaceSheep.

You know that when you need to defeat Wolf...Ewe's the Force.

Space Sheep! is a very customizable, real-time, cooperative game - with one or more traitors potentially in your midst - for 1-8 players.

The players are Defenders who want to the SpaceSheep and Shepherd class ships back to their home Systems before time runs out. The Defenders will play Tactics cards to conduct this Rescue Mission, but must also defend against the constant, real-time attacks of Wolf. Some players may be hidden Infiltrators (Wolves in Sheep Commanders' uniforms), thus making the game semi-cooperative, and forcing the Defenders to decipher who is on their team.

Space Sheep! may be customized in many ways for great replayability:

1. Systems in play: more Systems = greater complexity.

2. Tactics Cards in the deck: fewer Tactics Cards = greater difficulty.

3. Strength of Wolf: stronger Wolf = greater difficulty.

4. Instruction Tiles to use: provides variability to the game.

5. Distribution of Allegiance cards: changes the balance between cooperation vs competition.

8 Space Sheep
8 Shepherds
1 Wolf Ship
8 System Mats
1 Neutral Defense Console
32 Color Chits
23 Instruction Tiles
4 Wolf Strength Counters
90 Tactics Cards
11 Allegiance Cards
1 Supreme Commander Card
8 Reference Cards
1 Cloth Bag
1 One-minute Sandtimer
1 Eight-sided Die
1 Set of Rules

Ages: 10+
Players: 1-8
Game Length: 20-30 minutes

Produto Disponível para pronta entrega.

Envio no mesmo dia útil para pagamentos confirmados até às 12h.

Pode retirar pessoalmente de segunda a sexta feira das 10h às 18h em nossa loja no bairro do Ipiranga.

Fora desse horário também é possível agendando após a compra.