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Características principais

Flying Frog
Nome do jogo de tabuleiro
Last Night On Earth The Zombie Game Flying Frog Productions
Modelo alfanumérico


  • Tipo de jogo: Cooperativos

  • Componentes do jogo: jogo base

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 12 anos

  • Quantidade mínima de jogadores - Quantidade máxima de jogadores: 2 - 2

  • É um jogo de cartas: Não



Last Night On Earth The Zombie Game - Flying Frog Productions

Jogo de Tabuleiro Importado em Inglês

Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game is a survival horror board game that pits small-town Heroes head-to-head against a limitless horde of Zombies (players can play on the Hero team or as the Zombies). A modular board randomly determines the layout of the town at the start of each game and there are several different scenarios to play, adding lots of replayability. Fast Paced Game Play with Easy To Learn rules allows players to jump right into the action, while Strategic Depth and Strong Cooperative Play keeps the game interesting.

To achieve a horror movie feel, all of the art for the game is photographic and the game comes with a CD Soundtrack of original music.
Tempo de jogo: 90 minutos
Para 2-6 jogadores

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