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Illusions of Glory: The Great War on the Eastern Front


  • Tipo de jogo: Guerra

  • Componentes do jogo: jogo

  • Idade mínima recomendada: 14 anos

  • Quantidade mínima de jogadores - Quantidade máxima de jogadores: 2 - 2

  • Idade recomendada: 14



Illusions of Glory-The Great War on the Eastern Front is the latest Card Driven Game utilizing the legendary award-winning Paths of Glory system to simulate the Great War in Europe. Illusions of Glory takes this proven game system to a new and exciting level by applying its focus to the Eastern Front.

The challenges to both sides are immense. The Allied Powers player must bring massive, but fragile, forces to bear against Central Powers armies from Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and Turkey and defeat them, while preventing a game-changing revolution in Russia. The Central Powers player must defeat Russia, hold off Italy, and win the upper hand in the Balkans, or face demoralization and rebellion at home. Players test their generalship and strategic abilities as Illusions of Glory lets you recreate the dramatic events of World War I's Eastern Front.

Your hand of strategy cards presents you with a rich array of strategic and operational choices. You must decide whether to use each card for its historic event, unit movement, combat, or troop placements. You must commit your forces to a variety of objectives: winning the dynamic war of maneuver between German-led and Russian armies; seizing the Balkans and its vital objectives; or prevailing in the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Italy. If you are looking for a game that is relevant, fun, challenging, and tense from complete campaigns to shorter playing scenarios, you will enjoy Illusions of Glory.

1 Mounted Game Board
3 Counter Sheets
1 Rule Booklet
1 Mobilization/ Setup Card
2 Combat Result Cards
1 Brusilov Offensive Scenario Card
55 Allied Deck Cards
55 Central Powers Deck Cards
2 Six-Sided Dice

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